Mountain biking or Gravel Riding are other great ways to get to see parts of the countryside off the beaten track and also to maintain your cycling fitness. Around Lincoln we are not blessed with many hills but have a good variety of bridleways that link up through the county, Many often either old Roman roads or droving trails that used to take the animals to market to make some good routes. The Lincolnshire wolds are around 30mins from Lincoln and offer some hills. There is an informal group of riders (not linked to Lincoln Wheeles) called "Grimsby Mountain BIkers" who run weekly rides on the Lincolnshire Wolds.
We have a few members who regularly mountain bike both (recreationally and race) along side their road biking. There is a local XC MTB race series each year which is organised by Focus Rides (click here for more info on the 2025 Race Series) We also have some adhoc events at "pickworth plot" which is a wooded MTB trail on the Doddington Hall Estate (where there is also the "Giant" Bike Shop). These include the summer MTB Time Trial events and MTB coaching.
For those who are happy to to travel a little there are plenty of MTB opportunities in the peak district, Sherweeod Pines, Dalby Forest and Cannock chase. All of these are within 2hrs of Lincoln
GRAVEL RIDING is becoming more popular and whilst we don't yet have any formal club rides there are a number of club members who ride gravel for pleasure. Communication is often via our facebook page. Our friends over at Giant Doddington Hall also have organised gravel rides once a month. You can read more about DCC (Doddington Cycling Club) here